1. Do you like Blue cheese dressing? nope.
2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? No way!
3. Do you own a gun? well I don't but my husband owns like 5
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? the red one
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? depends on what I'm going in for
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I like em.
7 Favorite Christmas movie? all of them! I love christmas
8 What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Chocolate Milk, or orange juice
9. Can you do push ups? a few :)
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding ring ;)
11. Favorite hobby? reading, quilting, watching TV...
12. do you have A.D.D.? actually no
13.. Do you wear glasses/contacts? No.
14. Middle name. Ward (my maiden name)
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: can't wait for work to be over, tired, and excited it's the weekend!
16. Name 2 or 3 drinks you regularly drink? Milk, chocolate milk, orange juice
17. Current worry? don't really have one at this exact moment
18. Current hate right now? not getting enough sleep :P
19. Favorite place to be? home
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I can't remember, I think we just hung out until midnight then went to bed... I know boring
21. Name three people who will complete this: ? no idea...
22. Do you have pets? sugar glider (edgar)
23. Do you own slippers? yep, big fluffy ones!
24. What color shirt are you wearing? Blue
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? never tried
26. Can you whistle? sure can, in and out :)
27. Where are you now? North Salt Lake
28. Would you be a pirate? nope
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing, I try not to fall back asleep
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Joslynn
31. Favorite boy's name? Corbin, or Austin
32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing
33. Last thing that made you laugh? stephanie, at work, she always makes me laugh
34. What vehicle do you drive? Mazda 3, dodge neon and dodge ram
35. Worst injury you've ever had? I crashed when I was 5 on my bike and cut up my chin and eye.
36. Do you love where you live? I love it!
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? one, but I have a portable DVD player as well as a laptop that both work for movies
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
catch up...
ok so It's been forever! and a lot has happened, well I guess not that much but still it's been forever. first of all about a month ago we went up Timpanogos canyon and had a camp fire with some friends, it was a lot of fun. every month I have been planning little things with Darin's friends from high school and man are they funny when they get together. they just sit and make fun of each other and talk about experiences that they have had in the past. we just sit and laugh the whole time. but it's fun :)
Also Darin Surprised me with Flowers, he had them sent to my work last week and it was the best surprise! we also have been working a lot in our yard and decided to rip out some bushes the the previous owners had put in, and this is Darin trying to put the bushes in the trash can.
we also planted our first tree! it's a Norweigan sunset maple. we also planted two chanticleer pear trees for the parkstrip. we also went to flaming gorge and the Mantua reservoir the past couple of weekends but I forgot my camera but it's been fun! we love owning a house and being able to work on the yard and the house together and make it our own.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The house!
I know it's been forever! but I finally posted pics of the house. I wanted to wait until we had most of the stuff put up on the walls. also I didn't take pics of the downstairs since it's not finished, and I forgot the back yard

front of house, obviously

hallway leading to the bed rooms

view of living room and dining room from kitchen

view of stair way to down stairs and part of kitchen from living room

view of dining room and kitchen from living room
better view of living room
master bath-only part, the toilet is behind me, and the sink is to my right
master bed, the closet (walk-in) is behind me
french doors to master room
my room, future girls room. I work on my quilts and scrapbooking here, I even have my own desk

part of office, Darin's mission stuff is in the chest and the picture was painted in the west indies
front of house, obviously
hallway leading to the bed rooms
view of living room and dining room from kitchen
view of stair way to down stairs and part of kitchen from living room
view of dining room and kitchen from living room
better view of living room
master bath-only part, the toilet is behind me, and the sink is to my right
master bed, the closet (walk-in) is behind me
french doors to master room
my room, future girls room. I work on my quilts and scrapbooking here, I even have my own desk
part of office, Darin's mission stuff is in the chest and the picture was painted in the west indies
well sorry it took so long, but the painting needed to get done as well as the pictures. I will try to get the back yard on here sometime :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Memorial weekend/ 2 year anniversary
for our two year anniversary we went to Zions over Memorial day weekend. we had a blast! I had never been there before so it was a wonderful experience. We hiked the emeral ponds, weeping rock as well as angels landing. Most of the pictures are from Angels landing.

This is us sitting on a ledge almost at the top of angels landing. if you can't tell Darin is a little freaked out...
This is Darin by some pictographs
This is me standing at the top of Angels landing. 2.5 miles and holding chains to climb up the mountain side!
This is Darin standing at the top :)
This is the view off of Angels landing, the bottom down by the road is where we started
This is us sitting on a ledge almost at the top of angels landing. if you can't tell Darin is a little freaked out...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The best decision i've ever made!
Well sunday was our 2 year anniversary. It's kinda weird to think about everything that has happened over a 2 year period. We have both grown and changed so much, but we changed and grew together. We started our life together in our condo in south salt lake while I was finishing school at utah states extension campus in salt lake. while Darin was going to SLCC to finish up his associates degree. after one year of learning and growing I graduated from Utah state and Darin got accepted into the social work program at the U as well as receiving a scholarship beacuse he has amazing grades. The day before I graduated I got a job here at Haycock Petroleum doing some accounting work, I'm still here and I'm loving it! Over the summer we both just worked and played hard...maybe a little too hard because Darin kept getting hurt, such as falling through roofs, fracturing his fingers, rolling a 4-wheeler over himself and almost breaking his ankle sending us to the hospital to get x-rays. but we made it through the summer and Darin started school and slowed things down in the work department. So I was providing so he could concentrate on homework, well that worked out well since he got a 4.0 his first semester! well as you all know the economy turned for the worst this past year, and while we were going to wait until Darin was out of school to buy a house we knew we couldn't resist this opportunity to get a 5% interest rate as well as a house that's worth 50,000 or more than what it's selling for! so we decided to buy (I will post pics this week!) it's been a learning experience for both of us, I knew there was going to be more work involved but I didn't realize just about how much. I love taking care of the yard because now it's my yard, no offense mom but I hated weeding while I lived at home, but now I can say that I actually enjoy it! I enjoy keeping my yard looking nice. At times I still feel a little too young to be where I'm at in life but I can honestly say I'm happy. Well it's the beginning of a new summer and hopefully Darin be a little more careful or at least not to accident prone. But I am grateful for Darin and everything he does for me. He truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me, as well as the best person for me. I'm glad I know that we have our whole lives ahead of us as well as the eternities after, I don't know what I would do without that knowledge, I would probably quit work and spend every moment with him, but I guess I can be patient, I do have forever with him.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Bucket List
() Been to Europe
(x) Been on a cruise
(x) Been on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
(x) Watched someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x ) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x ) Been on the opposite side of the country-
(x) Been to Washington , DC -
(x) Been to Vegas
() Climbed a lighthouse
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
() Been Sky Diving
( ) Seen the Cherry Blossoms in Washington , D.C.
(x) Played cops and robbers.
(x) Flown a plane
() Owned a boat
()Watched grandchildren grow
(x) Recently colored with crayons
() Been to the Kentucky Derby
( ) Been to Key West
(x) Been to a rodeo
() Sang Karaoke
(x)Paid for a meal with coins only?
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(x)Made prank phone calls
() Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus-
() Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone
( ) Seen the green flash at sunset ?
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice-skating-
(x) Gone to the movies
() Owned a convertible-
1. Any nickname? fatty, bum bum, princess
2. Mother's name? Gayla
3. Body Piercing? Ears
4. How much do you love your job? of course!
5. Birthplace, Happy Valley
6. Ever been to Hawaii? no
7. Ever been to Africa? No
8. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? sadly yes
9. Ever been on TV? not that I know of
10. Ever steal any traffic signs? No
11. Ever been in a car accident? Yea, only a bumper accident, I hit Darin :)
12. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? my car now is a 4-door.
13. Favorite number? 4
14. Favorite movie? Transformers, or Dark Knight
15. Favorite holiday? Christmas :)
16. Favorite dessert? pretty much anything chocolate, but I also like apple pie
18. Favorite food? Pizza
19. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
20. Favorite brand of body wash? I forget what it is...
21. Favorite smell? Rain is a good one... thanks Lisa
22. How do you relax? Read...
23. How do you see yourself in 10 years? a Mom...
(x) Been on a cruise
(x) Been on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
(x) Watched someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x ) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x ) Been on the opposite side of the country-
(x) Been to Washington , DC -
(x) Been to Vegas
() Climbed a lighthouse
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
() Been Sky Diving
( ) Seen the Cherry Blossoms in Washington , D.C.
(x) Played cops and robbers.
(x) Flown a plane
() Owned a boat
()Watched grandchildren grow
(x) Recently colored with crayons
() Been to the Kentucky Derby
( ) Been to Key West
(x) Been to a rodeo
() Sang Karaoke
(x)Paid for a meal with coins only?
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(x)Made prank phone calls
() Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus-
() Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone
( ) Seen the green flash at sunset ?
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice-skating-
(x) Gone to the movies
() Owned a convertible-
1. Any nickname? fatty, bum bum, princess
2. Mother's name? Gayla
3. Body Piercing? Ears
4. How much do you love your job? of course!
5. Birthplace, Happy Valley
6. Ever been to Hawaii? no
7. Ever been to Africa? No
8. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? sadly yes
9. Ever been on TV? not that I know of
10. Ever steal any traffic signs? No
11. Ever been in a car accident? Yea, only a bumper accident, I hit Darin :)
12. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? my car now is a 4-door.
13. Favorite number? 4
14. Favorite movie? Transformers, or Dark Knight
15. Favorite holiday? Christmas :)
16. Favorite dessert? pretty much anything chocolate, but I also like apple pie
18. Favorite food? Pizza
19. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
20. Favorite brand of body wash? I forget what it is...
21. Favorite smell? Rain is a good one... thanks Lisa
22. How do you relax? Read...
23. How do you see yourself in 10 years? a Mom...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Living in style
Well I know it's been a while since my last post but it's been a crazy busy month. on the 12th of March we made an offer on a house. At that time we still weren't sure if we were even going to buy a house, everyday it was a battle, yes...no...yes...no back and forth we went. So when we made the offer it wasn't a definite thing. on the 16th of March the bank accepted our offer. Even after the offer was accepted we still didn't even know if we wanted to buy a house. We loved the house but didn't know if we wanted to change our life style to pay for a bigger mortgage. Finally a few days before we could withdraw our offer we decided to go forward with full force. So on Monday March 30th we closed! Tuesday March 31st we moved like crazy! I want to thank everyone for helping us move it turned out amazing, we were able to get everything in the trucks and trailers in an hour and a half, which I think is pretty amazing. Also they unloaded everything before I even got to the house! So Tuesday night we stayed at our condo one last time and moved the rest on Wednesday to our new house. Before we moved everything inside (it was all in the garage) my dad gave us new carpet for our new house, what an awesome dad! so now our new house smells like a new house and the carpet looks amazing! thanks dad!! So now the process begins, we have started cleaning everything before we move everything in from the garage, which I need to thank my mom big time, she has helped clean so much! she is amazing, she can take something like disgusting dirty blinds and make them look like new! thanks mom!!! So as for now I have gotten about 5 hours of sleep over the past few days and the house still looks like a disaster! I can't believe all that stuff fit into an 850 Sq Ft condo. It's totally amazing. Anyways.... I'll post some pics when I get everything put away because as for right now all you would see is just a bunch of boxes :) Also I would like to thank Laura and Dameon for the patio furniture. something we were going to need seeing as summer is coming, we love it!! and thanks to everyone else that helped us move... Steve, Ben, Ryan, Jen, Jordan, Jordan, Steve H., My parents, Lisa, Laura and Dameon.
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