Thursday, April 2, 2009

Living in style

Well I know it's been a while since my last post but it's been a crazy busy month. on the 12th of March we made an offer on a house. At that time we still weren't sure if we were even going to buy a house, everyday it was a battle, back and forth we went. So when we made the offer it wasn't a definite thing. on the 16th of March the bank accepted our offer. Even after the offer was accepted we still didn't even know if we wanted to buy a house. We loved the house but didn't know if we wanted to change our life style to pay for a bigger mortgage. Finally a few days before we could withdraw our offer we decided to go forward with full force. So on Monday March 30th we closed! Tuesday March 31st we moved like crazy! I want to thank everyone for helping us move it turned out amazing, we were able to get everything in the trucks and trailers in an hour and a half, which I think is pretty amazing. Also they unloaded everything before I even got to the house! So Tuesday night we stayed at our condo one last time and moved the rest on Wednesday to our new house. Before we moved everything inside (it was all in the garage) my dad gave us new carpet for our new house, what an awesome dad! so now our new house smells like a new house and the carpet looks amazing! thanks dad!! So now the process begins, we have started cleaning everything before we move everything in from the garage, which I need to thank my mom big time, she has helped clean so much! she is amazing, she can take something like disgusting dirty blinds and make them look like new! thanks mom!!! So as for now I have gotten about 5 hours of sleep over the past few days and the house still looks like a disaster! I can't believe all that stuff fit into an 850 Sq Ft condo. It's totally amazing. Anyways.... I'll post some pics when I get everything put away because as for right now all you would see is just a bunch of boxes :) Also I would like to thank Laura and Dameon for the patio furniture. something we were going to need seeing as summer is coming, we love it!! and thanks to everyone else that helped us move... Steve, Ben, Ryan, Jen, Jordan, Jordan, Steve H., My parents, Lisa, Laura and Dameon.

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