Monday, February 23, 2009


1. last beverage→? Water
2. last phone call→? Rite Aid
3. last text message – My sis Lisa
4. last song you listened to- Love lockdown, Kanye West
5. last time you cried→?- Last week?

6. dated someone twice →? if you count breaking up and getting back together the same day then yes...
7. been cheated on? Yep :(
8. kissed someone & regretted it? Yep
9. lost someone special?→? nope :)
10. been depressed?→? yeah, who hasn't at some point?
11. been drunk and threw up? --> no

Blue,White, teal

12. Made new friends →? a few
13. Fallen out of love →? nope
14. Laughed until you cried →? of course!
15. Met someone who changed you →? nope
16. Found out who your true friends were →? I already knew
17. Found out someone was talking about you→? actually yep
18. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→? nope
19. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?→? All of them
20. How many kids do you want to have→? 3
21. Do you have any pets →? yep, Edgar my sugar glider
22. Do you want to change your name→? I never wanted to change it but i've gotten annoyed with it in the past
23. What did you do for your last birthday →? went out to dinner and was lazy all day long!
24. what time did you wake up today →? 7:00 I wish I could stay asleep until 8
25. What were you doing at midnight last night →? sleeping, thank goodness!
26. Name something you CANNOT wait for →? to buy a house! (soon)
27. Last time you saw your father→? yesterday
28. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? nothing really, maybe if I was just rich and never had to work!
29. What are you listening to right now->? well... the copy machine is going at the moment, and my heater is on so I guess I'm listening to those
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom →? well of course, I have known a lot of Toms throughout my life.
31. What's getting on your nerves right now? I have a scratchy in my throat!
32. Most visited webpage →?

33. Whats your real name →? Leanna Ward Hansen
34. Nicknames→? Fatty
35. Relationship Status --> happily Married
36. Zodiac sign →? Aquarious
37. Male or female or transgendeer? Female
38. Elementary? Draper Elementary
39. Middle School --> Crescent View
40. High school →? Alta High

41. Hair color →Brown
42. Long or short --> Short
43. Height →? 5'7"
44. Do you have a crush on someone? →? only my hubby :)
45: What do you like about yourself? →? my Nose (right now)
46. Piercings →? Ears
47. Tattoos →? No
48. Righty or lefty →? Righty

49. First surgery →? cist (sp?) removal
50. First piercing →? Ears
51. First best friends →? Lindsay
52. First sport you joined →? Soccer
53. First pet –Cat, Thermal
54. First vacation→? I think it was Disneyland, but who knows...
55. First concert – depends on what kind of concert, it was probably my sisters band concert.
56. First crush ---> Eric

57. Want kids? of course
58. Want to get married? Already there Well i'm an Accountant now, but I want to me a mom (I know cheesy)

60. Lips or eyes →? Eyes
61. Hugs or kisses →? I guess both are good :)
62. Shorter or taller →? Taller
63. Older or Younger →? Older, not much though
64. Romantic or spontaneous -->? both, It depends on the timing and the mood
65. Nice stomach or nice arms →? both, he has both :)
66. Sensitive or loud →? Depends, but both
67. Hook-up or relationship →? Relationship
68. Trouble maker or hesitant →? don't care

69. Kissed a stranger →? no
70. Drank hard liquor →? No
71. Lost glasses/contacts →? No
72. Sex on first date ----> Never
73. Broken someone's heart –>? I think so
74. Had your own heart broken –>? yea
75. Been arrested →? No
76. Turned someone down →? Yes
77. Cried when someone died →? Yes
78. Liked a friend that is a guy--> my boyfriends were my best friends

79. Yourself -->? at times
80. Miracles →? Yes
81. Love at first sight →? Yes
82. Heaven →? Of course
83. Santa Clause →? yep :)
84. Kiss on the first date? →? I never have, but I won't bash on those who have
85. Angels →? Yes

86. Is there one person you want to be with right now? →? Yes
87. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? →? No

Monday, February 16, 2009

Zalia Malinson

Darin's great grandmother had a possible stroke last week, she is such a wonderful person and I just wanted to take a minute to talk about her, she has grown to be a grandmother to me. and She has such a wonderful personality, she makes me laugh everytime we go visit her. She has one of the sharpest minds I've ever seen for someone her age. she turned 96 last year, and is still as bright as if she was 20. I am so glad I have been able to get to know her. we love you grandma.

Yay for Valentines Day!

Darin surprised me by taking me to a play, it was called "Cash on Delivery" it was hilarious, I would suggest it to anyone, but the last show was on Valentines day... but they have a lot of cool shows coming up. if you would like to go just check out the website and see what is coming up. Phantom is next and I guess it's not the writters who wrote phantom of the opera, but it's the same story with the same characters. I really enjoyed this play, it was a british comedy about living off of the social service checks that they send for various things. All in all it was a wonderful Valentines day, Darin woke me up at 9 and gave me a rose with the tickets and then just spent the day together :) I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful husband, I love him with all my heart. Thank you baby!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mom's Birthday!

so Yesterday was a good day, my brother decided he wanted to take his son to chruch so he asked if they could come with us, and of course I said yes! so they came with us yesterday which turned out quite nice since I teach the 10, 11 and 12 year olds and my nephew is 10 so he was in my class. Well after church we went to my parents house to celebrate my mothers birthday. I got my mom a wishing pearl, which Julie gave me a couple of years ago for my birthday and I decided that was a great gift, so if your trying to find something for anyone for their birthday mothers day or christmas in the next year then check out this website
it has some good deals! and it's a fun gift!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I know it's a little late but this was our christmas, Darin got me a glass rose! Which I love very much, I've always wanted a glass rose. and I got Darin some waders which he took back and he is going to use his uncles, so I guess I didn't really get him anything... so I'm going to buy him some fly fishing stuff when the time comes. Then the big present my parents got us was Rockband for the Wii! Darin's parents got him some new tires for his truck, which he loves!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My first blog

Well I've been told by many a people to start blogging, so here I am at work on my lunch break and I thought to myself "Leanna, you always have so much fun looking at other peoples blogs why don't you start one?" so that's what I'm doing. and nothing better than the new year to start something new... oh wait... it's February! where did January go?!? well it was a good month, mostly because it was my birthday, the 24th. Darin got me a case for my camera and the movie Eagle Eye. My parents got me another guitar for our game rockband as well as a new Ipod and some clothes, and Darin's parents got me this really nice picture of Christ with a little girl playing with a butterfly it's by Greg Olsen. They even had it signed by him and he wrote happy birthday to me on the back. Then Jordan (Darin's brother) got me two Skookie pans, so I can make my own pazzookies! we made some the other night and man was it delicious! well I guess I should get back to work, I will post some fun picks when I get home and have access to pictures, until then....